Sunlock Engineering Services

Site Specific Engineering Certificates

Commercial solar installations require detailed site-specific assessments prior to installation. Sunlock strongly encourages site specific PV Array Frame engineering assessments for every commercial project, according to the requirements of AS/NZ1170.2:2021.

Our detailed engineering certificate includes and identifies roof zone areas and the site specific installation requirements.

Building Structural Certificates

Every building is different - The structure and the way each building is constructed needs to be assessed in order to determine the buildings capacity and suitability for a commercial solar system.

Our detailed structural engineering certificate will determine the buildings adequacy to support the proposed load.

Site Specific Building & Rooftop Inspections

Where there are no up to date building plans or as-built drawings to reference, Sunlock will conduct a site inspection to collect all the required information in order to complete a building structural report.

We also conduct on-site roof sheet inspection and pull up tests to determine unknown roof sheet capacities as part of the assessment process.

Post Installation Site Inspection & Torque Testing

Sunlock can conduct post site inspections to assess and ensure all the necessary standards and installation requirements were met throughout the installation.

It is crucial to ensure that installers have followed the correct product installation procedures and torque specifications in order to satisfy Sunlock’s warranty requirements.

Pallet Loading Engineering Assessments

Pallet loading engineering assessments can be completed based on each individual building’s capacities and project requirements for your commercial solar installation.